After hearing about a friend's personal experience recently, I knew that this would definitely have to be the next topic for the project. Cutting is one of the most popular acts of self-harm, usually any form of self-harm is just a person's way to cope with relationships, frustrations, insecuries, and life. First of all, I want to let anyone know who has been cutting... Why? You might feel not wanted, alone, or not pretty. But you should know that there is someone who wants you, wants to be with you, and sees you as the most beautiful thing they've ever known. They might or might not be in your life at the moment, but I know there is someone out there who's thinking about what it would be like to meet a person with all the qualities you feel are flaws. I know this, because I feel like that everyday. Wondering about people I'm not sure exist. You are good enough, and anyone who tells you you're not, they aren't any better. Everytime you head into your bathroom cabinet for the razor, everytime that thought crosses your mind when you see a flame, just remember that girl who wrote how she felt about you. About anyone who does or has done this at any point in their life...